
Use Your Noodles - Food Photography + Business Learning

Is pitching stressful for you, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

Hey, Reader!

Gotta share something with you. Something to show you how important it is not to give up. To not talk down to yourself when it comes to reaching out to clients.

When the time is right for you and the client, you'll come together.

A year ago, I pitched a brand I love and have tried and loved their products. I felt like they would be fun to work with, and I knew I could help them stand out visually with my photography.

I did not get a response immediately, but rather after a week or so (which was already a big win).

They said they have a project in mind and may hire me sometime soon. I was excited!!

One year passed, and nothing.


I had enough work on my plate to not have to contact them and ask around. (Which I would totally recommend in case this happens to you!)

But then...

I got an email a week ago.

They have a big project coming up, and they want me to work with them.

Long story short, the contract has been signed, and we start working together this March.

So remember, if it’s meant to be, you’ll get the job. Just make sure you stay in front of the brand’s eyes, whether this is through email, social media, or LinkedIn. It's all good as long as you don’t give up on the first go.

So today, I have three things for you.

A new blog post to help you find the clients you’ll love working with

A good old Get Booked Training to find who and how to pitch and create a working pitching schedule.

Done-for-you Client Pitching Template Pack to help you send outstanding outreach emails without having to worry about what they are going to write

Take this email as a reminder to be gentle to yourself. Acquiring clients is not easy, but with practice and persistence, you'll see results.

Use Your Noodles - Food Photography + Business Learning

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