
Use Your Noodles - Food Photography + Business Learning

Exclusive tips for building your portfolio


A portfolio is super important, essential even, for showcasing your skills and setting expectations for potential clients. If you get rejected by a client based on what they see in your portfolio, then that's usually a good thing. Rejections from clients can actually benefit your business since not every project is the right fit for the two of you.

The only exception is when your portfolio is not the correct representation of the type of work you are able to produce. In that case, you need to read this blog post.


It's natural to feel disappointed when your preferred clients decline your services at first.

But, consider a scenario where a client's project doesn't align with your strengths. Imagine a client that needs bold modern photos that are also heavily retouched, and the projects you are able to do or enjoy doing are lifestyle rustic photos with less retouching. Such projects will not bring you joy, and if you end up doing a project like that, you may end up frustrated, and the client just as well.

Your portfolio serves as the first impression, reflecting the work you love.

Here are tips for optimizing your portfolio and revealing what clients can anticipate:

  1. Demonstrate a range of your abilities while staying within your comfort zone. Showcase different angles, colors, lighting, and cohesive styles.
  2. Strategically plan photoshoots to enhance your portfolio. Create images that align with your target clients' expectations, again, while staying true to what you want to be working on at the moment.
  3. Define three words that describe your work and include photos that embody these qualities. It is okay to include photos that are a bit out there, but you need to weave them in carefully.
  4. Avoid including work you'd rather not do again in your portfolio; this is a common mistake to be mindful of.


I know doing all of this is hard. It takes time, and oftentimes, it's frustrating to see all the things you need to work on in your portfolio.

I am here to help you with identifying everything you need to improve in your portfolio and give you a strategic plan to do that.

So, if you're ready to work with a mentor, you can apply here.

Or, if you are not sure if mentoring is really for you, you can book a free 15-minute call and have a chat about your options.


A big hug,


Use Your Noodles - Food Photography + Business Learning

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