
Use Your Noodles - Food Photography + Business Learning

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Retreat highlights ✨

Hey Reader, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the incredible cocktail photography retreat I had the privilege of hosting with my friend Suze in the UK last month, and share a few highlights with you. First off, I can’t thank you enough for being part of this community! Your support means the world to me ❤️ Hosting this retreat was such a fulfilling experience, and I’m excited to give you a glimpse into what made it so special. A Creative Setting in the UK We gathered at a stunning venue...

New blog: Behind the scenes 🧐

Hey Reader between finalizing a bunch of client projects and packing for vacation, I wanted to share a case study of a whiskey shot I took a few months ago. I loved this project and the final images so much, that I just needed to show you some behind-the-scenes and my thought process behind this image below 🤭 Read on the blog P.S. we still have a few spots left for the Mix, Snap, Sip Retreat in Dorset, UK this September. We will be more than excited to spend five days with you at a beautiful...

It all pays off, I promise

I talk a lot about the importance of building a solid skill set and prioritizing knowledge in your creative career. It helped me land a multi-k deal cocktail photography deal just this week through an agency for an international brand & I know my knowledge, negotiating skills, and confidence in my photography got me that job... I’ll tell you all about it in a minute, but let me say this first: I’m proud of my knowledge and all the investments I’ve made in it! It all pays off, I promise....

New blog: Busting some myths today!

Hey Reader, ready to bust some myths? I’ve been doing beverage photography for quite a while now, and I busted a lot of myths I had in my head. These might be things you are thinking as well. This is why I wanted to share them, so you can finally move past them and take photos of your delicious drinks with a little bit more confidence. Read on the blog P.S. Have you heard about the Mix, Snap, Sip Retreat happening from September 23 - 27. Five days with guaranteed fun, relaxation, culinary...

Your gear is slowing your progress

Hey, Reader! Yesterday, I posted part of my story on Instagram. Not because I HAD to be vulnerable and not so we could all have a pity party. But because I knew I needed to be honest with my community, even if it made me a little uncomfortable. You see, the thing is I never had a big budget for my gear, and I blamed a huge chunk of my failures to not having the pro camera. I did invest in a prime lens (the cheapest I could find, which BTW still serves me well!), but I hesitated to upgrade my...

Is pitching stressful for you, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

Hey, Reader! Gotta share something with you. Something to show you how important it is not to give up. To not talk down to yourself when it comes to reaching out to clients. When the time is right for you and the client, you'll come together. A year ago, I pitched a brand I love and have tried and loved their products. I felt like they would be fun to work with, and I knew I could help them stand out visually with my photography. I did not get a response immediately, but rather after a week...

How I styled this

Hi Reader, As Christmas approaches, I wanted to take you behind the scenes of how I took a photo of my beloved panettone (which I baked for the first time this year). Step 1 - Deciding on the colors & mood For me, as much as panettone is a Christmas dessert, it also has a very elegant, graceful note. So I wanted my photo to express that. Here are a few things I like to think about when deciding on a theme: What colors express what I want to say? Purple is a color I find very elegant and one I...

Have you tried these new Lightroom tools?

Hey Reader, You know I love to update you whenever something exciting happens, and this month, I’ve really been enjoying two incredible new Lightroom Tools. I want to give a big shoutout to these tools and show you how you can use them in your editing. Before I do that, I also have a secret to share with you, something I’ve been dying to reveal. It’s that I am planning to create a Lightroom course, where I will not only show you my workflow and creative editing but also how you can use the...

Exclusive tips for building your portfolio

A portfolio is super important, essential even, for showcasing your skills and setting expectations for potential clients. If you get rejected by a client based on what they see in your portfolio, then that's usually a good thing. Rejections from clients can actually benefit your business since not every project is the right fit for the two of you. The only exception is when your portfolio is not the correct representation of the type of work you are able to produce. In that case, you need to...

REAL lessons learned over the Summer

Hey, Reader! Hope you're doing awesome! I've been up to something pretty awesome this Summer and couldn't wait to share it with you. Remember that incredible month-long getaway I mentioned a while ago? Well, not only did it recharge my soul, but it also sprinkled some seriously game-changing insights into my business journey. I actually went on and wrote a blog post called 5 Business Lessons I Learned on a Month-Long Vacation, I spill the beans on these invaluable takeaways that I just know...

Check out the food photography & business resources below and sign up for more 😉